About Me

This is Divij Chaudhry, a 7th grade student of Strawberry Fields High School, Chandigarh, India.

I have created this site out of my passion in Technology, Basketball, NBA, Youtube, Gaming and Coding.

My Story Behind Coding and Youtube Channel

I got fascinated by the world of technology at the age of 6, when I started learning Scratch & object based programming using Lego kit.  Today, at the age of 11, I have created 5 Apps on Google play store and around 245 Apps on code.org, 425 Apps on Thunkable, 100 python projects, 15 Unity Projects and Over 500 HTML webpages.

I have YouTube channel “DivijTechKnow” where I publish Minecraft Videos and tips and tricks on MAC, Windows, Google  & Zoom.

I Have also a Youtube Channel “DUNK CENTRAL” where i publish NBA, Basketball Moments and Shorts.