Harry Potter Quizzes

The first-year spells quiz

1 / 8

What happened when Hermione used Alohomora on the door in the third-floor corridor?

2 / 8

What did Hermione conjure to get past the Devil’s Snare?

3 / 8

What colour sparks does Hagrid ask Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco to cast if they come across danger in The Forbidden Forest?

4 / 8

What wand movement would you make when casting Wingardium Leviosa?

5 / 8

What happens if you cast Locomotor Mortis?

6 / 8

And what creature did Ron knock unconscious using this spell and wand movement?

7 / 8

What happened to Dudley when Hagrid used his pink umbrella to cast a spell on him?

8 / 8

What colour did Ron try to turn Scabbers using the (useless) spell that Fred and George gave him?

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The average score is 62%


How well do you know Diagon Alley?

1 / 10

Upon tapping the wall that magically reveals Diagon Alley, what formation will lead to success?

2 / 10

Which of the following shops CANNOT be found in Diagon Alley?

3 / 10

What is the name of the barman who works at The Leaky Cauldron?

4 / 10

In the books, who is the first person to greet Harry in The Leaky Cauldron?

5 / 10

Complete the line of the Gringotts poem: “Enter, stranger, but take heed...”

6 / 10

In Diagon Alley, where would one pick up a broomstick?

7 / 10

When stocking the Monster Book of Monsters, the manager of Flourish and Blotts said they hadn’t had that much trouble with a book since...

8 / 10

Harry met his first fellow Hogwarts student at Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions. Who was it?

9 / 10

Florean Fortescue runs a popular shop in Diagon Alley. What is it?

10 / 10

Select all that apply:

During Harry’s first visit to the Magical Menagerie, which of the following eccentric animals did he see?

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The average score is 50%


The Fawkes quiz

1 / 10

What had Harry been attacked by in Goblet of Fire that leaves a wound that Fawkes heals with his tears?

2 / 10

Who does Fawkes belong to?

3 / 10

In Order of the Phoenix, how does Fawkes warn Dumbledore that Umbridge has realised Harry and the Weasleys are out of bed?

4 / 10

What is the name of the sad song Fawkes sings after Dumbledore's death?

5 / 10

What do phoenix tears do?

6 / 10

What spell hits Fawkes in Order of the Phoenix?

7 / 10

Which two wands hold a feather of Fawkes?

8 / 10

What does Fawkes bring Harry at the end of Chamber of Secrets?

9 / 10

What did Fawkes do to the Basilisk in Chamber of Secrets?

10 / 10

What does Dumbledore call the day where Fawkes catches fire and then is born again?

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The average score is 100%


The Magical Skills Quiz

1 / 10

What does it mean to be accomplished at Legilimency?

2 / 10

And what does it mean to be accomplished at Occlumency?

3 / 10

What does it mean to be a Parseltongue?

4 / 10

Which of the following magical skills is acquired at birth?

5 / 10

In what Hogwarts year do the students learn to Apparate?

6 / 10

And when it comes to Apparition, what are the three Ds you should remember?

7 / 10

As part of the process to becoming an Animagus, what do you need to carry in your mouth for a month?

8 / 10

Which of the following witches or wizards is an actually registered Animagus?

9 / 10

Which of the following characters CANNOT cast a Patronus?

10 / 10

What skill were Veelas revealed to have during the Quidditch World Cup?

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The average score is 90%


The Secret Passages Quiz

1 / 10

Complete the name of the statue behind which there is a secret passage at Hogwarts: Gregory the ______

2 / 10

When exactly did Fred and George find the secret passage behind Gregory the Smarmy?

3 / 10

What does Harry say in Parseltongue to the tap in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom to open the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?

4 / 10

How do you freeze the Whomping Willow?

5 / 10

How many secret passages do Fred and George tell Harry there are there from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade?

6 / 10

How many of those secret passages does Filch know about?

7 / 10

What colour is the pear you have to tickle to get into the Hogwarts kitchens?

8 / 10

In Deathly Hallows, whose portrait assisted Harry, Ron and Hermione get from the Hog’s Head into Hogwarts?

9 / 10

Where in Hogwarts is the secret passageway that comes out in Honeydukes?

10 / 10

What did Harry have to say to open the statue’s hump and reveal the secret passage to Honeydukes?

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The average score is 20%
