Harry Potter Quizzes The first-year spells quiz 1 / 8 What happened when Hermione used Alohomora on the door in the third-floor corridor? It exploded It caught fire It unlocked It melted away 2 / 8 What did Hermione conjure to get past the Devil’s Snare? Portable Flames Ice A jet of Water Powerfull Wind 3 / 8 What colour sparks does Hagrid ask Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco to cast if they come across danger in The Forbidden Forest? Blue Red Yellow Green 4 / 8 What wand movement would you make when casting Wingardium Leviosa? Jab and wiggle Tap and rotate Swish and flick Point and twirl 5 / 8 What happens if you cast Locomotor Mortis? Your arms lock together Your legs lock together Your whole body locks together You turn into a statue 6 / 8 And what creature did Ron knock unconscious using this spell and wand movement? A goblin A three headed dog A dragon A mountain troll 7 / 8 What happened to Dudley when Hagrid used his pink umbrella to cast a spell on him? He grew a pig's tail He grew mouse ears He turned into a toad He sprouted antlers 8 / 8 What colour did Ron try to turn Scabbers using the (useless) spell that Fred and George gave him? Orange Yellow Green Blue Your score is The average score is 62% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz How well do you know Diagon Alley? 1 / 10 Upon tapping the wall that magically reveals Diagon Alley, what formation will lead to success? Four up, one across Seven up, seven across Three up, two across One up, one across 2 / 10 Which of the following shops CANNOT be found in Diagon Alley? Eeylops Owl Emporium Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Honeydukes Ollivanders 3 / 10 What is the name of the barman who works at The Leaky Cauldron? Tim Bill Kenneth Tom 4 / 10 In the books, who is the first person to greet Harry in The Leaky Cauldron? Doris Crockford Dedalus Diggle Tom the barman Professor Quirrell 5 / 10 Complete the line of the Gringotts poem: “Enter, stranger, but take heed...” Of what awaits the sin of greed Take only what you dearly need This verse you should take time to read We know of every darkest deed 6 / 10 In Diagon Alley, where would one pick up a broomstick? Bloomin' Brilliant Brooms Quality Quidditch Supplies Quidditch Supplies for Quality Players The High-Fliers Association 7 / 10 When stocking the Monster Book of Monsters, the manager of Flourish and Blotts said they hadn’t had that much trouble with a book since... The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledorea The Invisible Book of Invisibility Charm your own Cheese Magick Most Evile 8 / 10 Harry met his first fellow Hogwarts student at Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions. Who was it? Ron Weasley Neville Longbuttom Draco Malfoy Seamus Finnigan 9 / 10 Florean Fortescue runs a popular shop in Diagon Alley. What is it? A bookshop A sweet shop A joke shop An ice cream parlour 10 / 10 Select all that apply:During Harry’s first visit to the Magical Menagerie, which of the following eccentric animals did he see? Enormous purple toads Poisonous orange snails A golden, baby unicorn A jewel encrusted tortoise Spotty flying slugs Your score is The average score is 50% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz The Fawkes quiz 1 / 10 What had Harry been attacked by in Goblet of Fire that leaves a wound that Fawkes heals with his tears? A sphinx A Hungarian Horntail A Blast-Ended Skrewt An Acromantula 2 / 10 Who does Fawkes belong to? Minerva McGonagall Rubeus Hagrid Albus Dumbledore Lord Voldemort 3 / 10 In Order of the Phoenix, how does Fawkes warn Dumbledore that Umbridge has realised Harry and the Weasleys are out of bed? A golden flame that burns for a minute A song that can only be heard by those chosen to hear it Three red feathers appear that disappear when you touch them A flash of flame followed by a single golden feather 4 / 10 What is the name of the sad song Fawkes sings after Dumbledore's death? The Song of the Eternal Phoenix The Ballad of the Phoenix A Phoenix Lament The Burning Song 5 / 10 What do phoenix tears do? They burn you They turn to gold They paralyse you They heal you 6 / 10 What spell hits Fawkes in Order of the Phoenix? The Killing Curse The Stunning Spell The Fiendfyre Curse The Cruciatus Curse 7 / 10 Which two wands hold a feather of Fawkes? Hermione Granger and Bellatrix Lestrange Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelward Remus Lupin and Lily Potter 8 / 10 What does Fawkes bring Harry at the end of Chamber of Secrets? A dagger The Sorting Hat Harry's Wand A Time-Turner 9 / 10 What did Fawkes do to the Basilisk in Chamber of Secrets? He blinded him He distracted it so Harry could blind it He killed him He burned it 10 / 10 What does Dumbledore call the day where Fawkes catches fire and then is born again? Burning Day Born Again Day Ashes to Life Day Flaming Day Your score is The average score is 100% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz The Magical Skills Quiz 1 / 10 What does it mean to be accomplished at Legilimency? You can design your own dreams You can block people from looking into your mind You can see into peoples' minds You can train yourself to stop thinking 2 / 10 And what does it mean to be accomplished at Occlumency? You can manipulate the thoughts of others You can enter other peoples’ dreams You can train yourself to see things you wouldn’t usually be able to You can block people from looking into your mind 3 / 10 What does it mean to be a Parseltongue? Your tongue is forked, like a snake You’re really good at wrapping parcels You can speak a number of different languages You can speak to snakes 4 / 10 Which of the following magical skills is acquired at birth? Being an Animagus Being accomplished at Apparition Being a Metamorphmagus Seeing invisible people 5 / 10 In what Hogwarts year do the students learn to Apparate? Fifth year Sixth year Seventh year Fourth year 6 / 10 And when it comes to Apparition, what are the three Ds you should remember? Direction, decision, dedication Designation, deformation, delineation Destination, determination, deliberation Duration, disorientation, disintegration 7 / 10 As part of the process to becoming an Animagus, what do you need to carry in your mouth for a month? Billywig sting Gillyweed Unicorn hair A mandrake leaf 8 / 10 Which of the following witches or wizards is an actually registered Animagus? Rita Skeeter Professor McGonagall Peter Pettigrew Sirius Black 9 / 10 Which of the following characters CANNOT cast a Patronus? Luna Lovegood Harry Potter Rubeus Hagrid Severus Snape 10 / 10 What skill were Veelas revealed to have during the Quidditch World Cup? The ability to become invisible The ability to conjure fireballs The ability to float The ability to turn into different people Your score is The average score is 90% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz The Secret Passages Quiz 1 / 10 Complete the name of the statue behind which there is a secret passage at Hogwarts: Gregory the ______ Great Smarmy Wise Gorgon 2 / 10 When exactly did Fred and George find the secret passage behind Gregory the Smarmy? First week at Hogwarts Second year at Hogwarts First month at Hogwarts First day at Hogwarts 3 / 10 What does Harry say in Parseltongue to the tap in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom to open the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets? ‘Open up’ 'Awake' ‘Revelio’ ‘Alohomora’ 4 / 10 How do you freeze the Whomping Willow? Freezing spell By touching the lowest hanging branch You can’t By touching a knot on its trunk 5 / 10 How many secret passages do Fred and George tell Harry there are there from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade? Eight Seven Three Four 6 / 10 How many of those secret passages does Filch know about? Four Six Two None 7 / 10 What colour is the pear you have to tickle to get into the Hogwarts kitchens? Yellow Green Brown Red 8 / 10 In Deathly Hallows, whose portrait assisted Harry, Ron and Hermione get from the Hog’s Head into Hogwarts? Kendra Dumbledore Albus Dumbledore Ariana Dumbledore Aberforth Dumbledore 9 / 10 Where in Hogwarts is the secret passageway that comes out in Honeydukes? By a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw In front of the statue of Gregory the Smarmy On the seventh floor corridor, behind Sir Cadogan’s portrait Behind the statue of the one-eyed witch 10 / 10 What did Harry have to say to open the statue’s hump and reveal the secret passage to Honeydukes? I solemnly swear that I am up to no good Diffindium Alohomora Dissendium Your score is The average score is 20% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz